Looking to join a bowls club?
St Lucia Bowls Club has greens of a high standard in a leafy, quiet environment. There is plenty of onsite parking and well-tended gardens. The club has a vibrant social life and friendly members.
What we offer :
Free coaching is available to get new bowlers going and to help more experienced bowlers improve.
Bowls may be borrowed for 3 months, $150 deposit with $125 refund on return of bowls.
Bowling days are Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, Tuesday mornings and Thursday early evenings. For those interested in competitive bowling, the club holds a number of men's, women's and mixed competitions and enters teams in a variety of inter-club competitions.
What's the process :
Those wishing to join the Club are required to complete the Membership Application form requiring a nominator and a seconder, who are both members. The Application form can be completed online and printed for signing and processing.
The application is subject to a notice period of 7 days on the club notice board and the Membership Director will advise the outcome of the application after the expiration of the notice period and consideration by the Management Committee at their next monthly meeting.
Contact the Membership Director: Call Pam on Mob. 0494 140141 or Email membership@stluciabowls.org
We offer the following types of membership: